Welcome to Massage CE Solutions!
Below you will find our course offerings which are all NCBTMB Approved!

Facial massage is an increasingly popular modality benefitting clients from the very young to the elderly. The application of chemical-free, natural products and easy to master techniques improve appearance, slow down the aging process, reduce stress, alleviate tension headaches and sinus congestion, and encourage overall physical and mental relaxation.

Indian Head Massage is based on the ancient healing system of Ayurveda and has been practiced for thousands of years by families and barbers in India. The massage is calming yet revitalizing, offers many health benefits and encourages the deepest holistic relaxation. The most relaxing CE class to be found!

This hands-on course is designed to help massage therapists achieve deeper penetrating pressure on their clients without exerting more force with their hands. After a variety of tools are introduced and proper handling is demonstrated, students then experiment with them, giving and receiving massage.

Fijian Massage is a hands saving, deep tissue technique that has been evolving for generations on the Islands of Fiji. Therapists use different parts of their feet to effectively massage clients who are lying on the floor. This is a “feets-on” workshop with demonstration and practice.

Feet function as the body’s shock absorbers and many clients experience foot fatigue on a regular basis. Learn and experience a relaxing 30 minute treatment that can reduce stress, help fight depression and improve the quality of sleep by helping the body to unwind.

Enjoy an informative and relaxed class setting while fulfilling your NCBTMB and state’s ethics requirement. Questions are presented, answers revealed and real life experiences and dilemmas are discussed. Course includes a peek into your state’s massage board rules/laws.