Treating the Feet

Treating the Feet – 4 CE

Our feet function as the body’s shock absorbers and are many times the hardest worked of all body parts. They are what hold our weight up all day long, and the longer we walk or stand, the more tired they become. When walking, there are times the pressure on the feet exceeds the body weight and when running, it can be 3 or 4 times the body weight. Unfortunately, many of our clients experience foot fatigue on a regular basis and a one hour massage session does not allow us enough time to pamper and fully address the issues of the feet.

Feet massage image

This specialized foot treatment requires a minimum of 30 minutes to perform and can extend up to an hour to fit the needs of the client. It is a 4-part treatment employing 4 different products and massage therapies as follows: 1) foot soak with compression, 2) circular effleurage with abrasives, 3) pressure point therapy with foot mask and 4) rejuvenating foot massage with lotion. The client is comfortably seated during the entire process.

Benefits of foot massage include the most basic, it feels good! Clients can experience relaxation as well as pain relief. Other general benefits include stress relief, reduction of tension, improved blood circulation, stimulation of the lymphatic system (facilitating the flow of lymph throughout the body), loosening of the feet’s connective tissue to lessen stiffness, and promotion of overall good health. Foot massage can also help fight depression and improve the quality of sleep by helping the body to unwind, which encourages restful sleep.

Your clients will love additional attention devoted to their tired, neglected feet. This service can be offered as an add-on to a full body massage or it can be a focused session on its own. Add it to your menu of services to increase your income and to further pamper your clients, putting pep in their step!

 What to bring and special instructions:

1 bath towel, 3 hand towels, coffee carafe or pitcher (for warm water rinse), bolster or pillow for ankle support, 1 pair of latex or vinyl gloves (optional). Wear loose pants that can be pulled or rolled up to the knees (or a pair of shorts).

Course Schedule

Course City/State Day/Time Instructor Register
Treating the Feet 4 CEs Seattle , WA April 26, 2025
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Debbie DeNardo Details